If you've ever found yourself feeling stressed or anxious about money, regardless of how much you earn, then this article is for you. Let's explore the underlying reasons behind this persistent financial unease and uncover the hidden experiences from the past that might be triggering your anxiety and sense of insecurity in the present.
In my experience helping clients navigate their money-related fears, stresses, and anxieties, I've discovered a recurring pattern. As we delve deeper into their stories, we often uncover one or several experiences that have significantly shaped their current relationship with money.
Here are some common experiences that have a profound impact on our perception of money:
Fights about money between their parents or their parents being visibly and constantly stressed about money.
A parent lost everything, and their lifestyle changed dramatically all of a sudden.
The sickness of a parent who was an entrepreneur or who worked very hard to make money.
Experiencing a very stressful situation where money was needed, and it wasn't enough (E.g. a loved one's sickness, sudden homelessness, etc.)
These past stressful situations around money can leave such an imprint in our subconscious that we feel like money is never enough or that making the money we want isn’t safe. This can add unnecessary stress to our business, and sabotage/ block money from coming in.
The quickest and most effective way to CLEAR (not just manage or navigate) any fears, stress, or anxiety around money is to clear the effects of those past experiences out of your subconscious mind and nervous system, and that’s easily done with hypnosis, RRT @rapidresolutiontherapy, EFT/tapping, and the other subconscious reprogramming methodologies I use in my sessions.
I’ve helped many of my clients increase their revenue just by clearing the money blocks that their past experiences created.
Book a free consult call with me at www.calendly.com/dianasofia/discoverycall if you want help with clearing any money blocks.
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